Thursday, March 28, 2013


Dwell upon the fickle whims of lust or the glorious agonizing longing that almost threatens your sanity.

Heart beating wildly gasping for our last breathes in our hour of judgment
White noise vibrating through damp flesh
A stark tepid air surrounds.

…it’s gone.

Stroll along these dilapidated streets through macabre fog
Alone in the dark.
The dank smoke of a cigarette and the fire of a dram of whiskey to chase down the hunger for that which cannot be consumed.
Come to me......

A charge in the air evokes a shiver, an exhale and a flash of heat under the sparse light of an old gas lamp. Come to me...... 

The immediate desire is palpable, floating out of the fog 
with the courage of many men gently bestowing upon bare skin a soft caress. Come to me......

To run would set off a thrill that would outlast the hunt
But the body is motionless unable to move one throbbing muscle as
The eyes are blinded to what your soul is willing to give up.
Bargain for. Come to me......

A single shot rips through the belly ending on an agonizing gasp,
A single tear. Come to me..... 

Feverish glazed eyes stumble through the fading delusion
Hand outstretched begging to stay.

…The memory is a ghost
Come back to me...... 

Turn and walk away
leave behind the cold empty tomb of what could have been.

Torture, sweet torture, dangling in front of you
That which is most desired,
That cannot be,
Should not want,
But would die without.

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